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General. The journal “Trace Elements in Medicine” publishes reviews, original papers, methodical reports and short communications, which concerns the problems of analytical determination of chemical elements content of biological tissues, fluids or other biosubstances; methods of in vivo elemental analysis; experimental research in medicine of elementoses; study of chemical elements exchange in a living organism and a system “organism – environment”; physiological role of chemical elements; development and use of elemental drugs; hygienical and clinical diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of diseases, related to disturbances of chemical elements metabolism in humans and animals.
The journal accepts articles in English or Russian.
Size of articles is limited by the size of volume. However, the recommended size is: for short communications, book reviews, reports and letters – up to 5; for original papers — up to 15; for topical articles and reviews — up to 20 double spaced 12 pt typewritten A4 pages including tables and figures. The manuscripts should be written in IBM-compatible text processor format; submission via e-mail is preferable.
The manuscripts should contain the following details:
— Concise title;
— Complete name(s) of the author(s) in Latin transliteration;
— Full postal address(es) of (all) the author(s) in Latin transliteration; the address to which correspondence should be sent must be marked and accompanied by e-mail address, if available;
— Keywords (no more than 8) in English;
— Short (200–250 words) summary in English;
— Text of the article with necessary illustrations;
— References.
Text of original papers should be structured by sections: Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion (may be combined into Results and Discussion), Conclusion. Short communications and reviews admit of another structure, as expedient for adequate presenting of the material, however in the former case the above structuring is also preferable.
Title of the manuscript is generally not limited in length, but if it exceeds 110 characters, a short header should be additionally given.
Abstract must be informative and should briefly reflect main points of all sections of the manuscript.
Tables and figures should be accompanied by exhaustive headings and legends allowing to understand the illustrations without resort to the body text.
Numerical data should be presented in SI units except as otherwise traditionally used (see Table); the units should be unified in order wherever possible.

Tables. Each table should be presented on a separate page and numbered in Arabic numerals.
Figures. Line drawings, photos, maps, graphs must be suitable for scaling up to 20×28 cm size. Figures should be marked as “Fig.” and numbered in Arabic numerals in order of its mentioning in the manuscript. Figures, grouped in tables, should be marked continuously with uppercase Latin letters within the table: each figure must have a separate letter. Some details of a figure may be additionally marked with lowercase Latin letters. Overall size of any illustration should not exceed 20×28 cm. An illustration should be composed within its rectangular area as tightly and evenly as possible, with no evident empty places.
Abbreviations. All the abbreviations, used in text, tables or figures, must be interpreted either after the first appearance or in the legend in alphabetical order. When shortening, units like microgram, micromole should be denoted as mcg, mcmol or µg, µmol; use of abbreviations like ug, umol is not allowed.
References. All publications, mentioned in the manuscript, must be reflected in the reference list; each reference in the list must in turn be citied in the manuscript. Citations should appear in round brackets in Latin transliteration. Publications having more than two authors should be cited like (Reid et al., 1978). In the reference list titles of works, published in languages with non-Latin alphabet, should be translated in English, source names must be transliterated (e.g., Trudy Instituta Okeanologii), original language must be indicated at the end of reference (e.g., [in Chinese, with English summary]). All the references should contain complete list of authors, full titles and source names. Volumes and numbers of periodical issues should be cited without letters.
References should be listed according to the examples below:
Lasic D.D. Liposomes: From physics to application. Elsevier, Amsterdam–London–New York–Tokyo, 1993, 575p.
Suter P.M. The effects of potassium, magnesium, calcium and fiber on risk of stroke. Nutr Rev. 1999, 57(3):84-88.
Ward N.I. Quality control in trace element analysis of human and animal samples: Are we using poor data to evaluate nutritional, agricultural, clinical or biological problems? In: M. Anke et al. (eds.). Trace Elements in Man and Animals – TEMA-8. Verlag Media Touristik, Dresden, 1993, 108-112.
Proofs. As a rule, proofs are not available for authors.
Offprints. For each article a PDF copy is supplied to the corresponding author free of charge.
Address for authors:
Editorial Manager:
Dr. Andrei R. Grabeklis
Russian Society of Trace Elements in Medicine
Zemlyanoj Val Str., 46, Moscow 105064 Russia.
- 1. All scientific manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo peer review process in accordance with the approved procedure.
- 2. A duty editor checks if the submitted manuscript corresponds to the scope of the journal, and sends it for the first consideration to the editorial secretary who estimates its compliance with the design guidelines and appoints one or more reviewers. Articles are peer reviewed by members of the Editorial Team or by external experts, working in the fields corresponding to the topic of the article.
- 3. Editorial body addresses all the correspondence concerning the article to one representative of the authors. If the corresponding author is not identified during submission, the first author is considered to be such.
- 4. The peer review process is confidential. The author of the peer-reviewed manuscript can read text of the review. Identity of the reviewers is not disclosed to the author unless the reviewer decides enter into direct conversation with the author.
- 5. If the review contains comments or recommendations for correction of the article, the editorial secretary sends it to the author suggesting him to correct the manuscript or reasonably argue with the reviewer. The manuscript improved by the author is sent for peer review repeatedly.
- 6. If the author and the reviewer have insoluble contradictions concerning the manuscript, editorial board can send the manuscript to another reviewer. In conflict situations, final decision is made by the Editor-in- Chief.
- 7. If the reviewer recommends not to publish the article, text of the review containing a substantiated refusal is sent to the author. If the author disagrees with arguments of the reviewer, he may appeal to the Editor-in-Chief, who redirects the manuscript to another reviewer, or rejects it from publication. An article rejected by the Editor-in-Chief cannot be resubmitted.
- 8. Original copies of reviews are kept in editorial office for five years.