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Trace Elements in Medicine
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Trace Elements in Medicine (Moscow)
2018, 19(3): 4-8


M.V. Kapitalchuk1, E.G. Kekina2, I.P. Kapitalchuk1

¹ Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Barrikadnaya str. 2/1, stroenie 1, Moscow, 125993, Russia ² Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko, ПМР, 25 Oktyabrya str. 128, Tiraspol, 3300, Moldova

DOI: 10.19112/2413-6174-2018-19-3-4-8 

ABSTRACT. The state of the problem of iodine deficiency in environmental components for the population of the Republic of Moldova is discussed. It is shown that in the components of the environment of this country the content of iodine varies widely: atmospheric air is 0.932.7 μg / m3, water is 0.565 μg / l, groundwater is 0.563 μg / l, artesian (interstitial) water  2.344400 μg / l, soil  0.115 mg / kg, plants  0.0081.0 mg / kg. The soil concentration of iodine available for plants is 0.01 to 0.75 mg / kg. Thus, the amount of iodine in the components of the environment of Moldova varies from optimal to scarce. Iodine deficiency is observed only in certain regions of the country. For the eastern and southeastern part of Moldova, the authors found the following iodine content in the hairline of cows: 0.480.96 mg / kg, goats  0.821.34 mg / kg, in rabbit wool  0.090.0, 31 mg / kg, in the claws of domestic chickens grown with local feeds  0.49 mg / kg, for chickens grown at poultry farms  0.27 mg / kg. The iodine content in the hair of the inhabitants of this region of Moldova was 2.3 mg / kg, which indicates a low iodine status of the population. The concentration of iodine in the urine also turned out to be low: 40%  less than 10 μg / l, 40%  1020 μg / l, 7%  1520 μg / l, 7%  2025% μg / l, 6%  50 μg / l of cases. The southeastern region of Moldova is considered not dangerous with regard to goitre endemia, as the average amount of iodine in the components of the environment is observed on the average. However, the data obtained by the authors indicate the manifestation of signs of iodine deficiency in the population against the background of sufficient iodine content in the environment. This circumstance testifies to the necessity of carrying out complex biogeochemical studies of iodine in this region in connection with other zabogenic factors.

KEYWORDS: iodine, endemic goiter, soil, plants, water, hair.

Corresponding author: Elena G. Kekina E-mail: lena.kekina@mail.ru