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Trace Elements in Medicine
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Trace Elements in Medicine (Moscow)
2018, 19(1): 35-42


M.A. Astabatsyan1, L.A. Babayan1, A.K. Gulyan2, I.A. Mirzoyan1, P.K. Sarafyan2

1 Armenian Medical Institute, Titogradyan 14, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
2 «Erebuni» Medical Center, Urgent Cardiology Department, Titogradyan 14, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia

DOI: 10.19112/2413-6174-2018-19-1-35-42 

ABSTRACT. 70 practically healthy subjects and 40 patients with IHD I and 60 patients with IHD II were unified regimen of diet, sleep and wakefulness. Urine was collected with 4 hour portions during 3-5 days. Each specimen was analyzed for electrolytes (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, calcium, magnesium) and trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, cadmium, vanadium). Rhythm parameters have been estimated by dispersion analysis for nonsinusoidal rhythms and by nonlinear least squares method for sinusoidal rhythms. In healthy subjects in 91% cases of 593 rhythmological investigations urinary excretion electrolytes and trace elements statistically significant rhythms were observed. 92% of them were circadian. Healthy subjects characterized with circadian rhythms and with definite value of mesor and amplitude within the confidence limit. Acrophases of rhythms were mostly individual. The data witness that in early stage of IHD electrolytes and trace elements excretion rhythms 23% were statistically non significant. Among significant rhythms of electrolytes and trace elements excretion infradians prevail – 53%. Mesors of sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, chromium and vanadium excretion rhythms were statically significantly higher than in healthy subjects. Mesors of calcium and magnesium were statically significantly lower than in healthy subjects. Amplitudes of chlorine, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc were statistically significantly higher than in healthy subjects. Amplitudes of sodium/potassium, magnesium statistically significantly lower than in healthy subjects. Statistically significant rhythms of electrolytes and trace elements excretion were not revealed in most of patients in the late stage of IHD. Among significant rhythms circadian prevail – 54%.

KEYWORDS: ultradian, circadian, infradian rhythms, mesor, amplitude, acrophase.

KEYWORDS: ultradian, circadian, infradian rhythms, mesor, amplitude, acrophase.