ABSTRACT. Objective – the purpose of the study is to identify changes in the metabolism of macro– and microelements in the hair of young men at various levels of physical activity.
Materials and Methods. 59 young men of Yaroslavl universities aged from 18 to 22 years (20.3±1.6), who do not have chronic diseases and belong to the group of conditionally healthy persons, were examined. All students were divided into three groups: I – high physical activity (at least 4 times a week in sports sections); II – average physical activity (attending training 2-3 times a week); III – low activity (students not involved in sports activities on a regular basis). Analysis of the studied biological hair samples of university students Yaroslavl was performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with the determination of macro- and microelements (ICP-MS).
Results. According to the results of studies in young men with different levels of physical activity, significant features of the metabolism of both macro- and microelements were revealed, in particular, the content of cobalt, iron and manganese in student athletes of high sports categories exceeded the corresponding indicators in the groups of medium and low physical activity, and copper and selenium decreased as the load increased. Among the toxic and conditionally toxic elements, an increase in lead levels and a decrease in mercury were detected, relative to the values of groups with medium and low physical activity. When studying the macronutrient spectrum of hair in young men.
Conclusions. Based on the data obtained, it can be assumed that various physical activities, especially high ones, have a significant effect on the metabolism of macro- and microelements. The analysis of the content of macro- and microelements in young men revealed an increased content of macronutrients calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, essential trace elements cobalt, iron and manganese, toxicants lead, lithium and cadmium. At the same time, the content of copper, selenium and the toxicant mercury in the hair decreases. Exceeding the norm of the content of a number of chemical elements in hair indicates their enhanced "circulation", the metabolism of students, and not their excess. Timely correction of the elemental status will preserve the health of students, increase mental and physical performance.
KEYWORDS: macroelements, trace elements, hair, boys, physical activity.
For citation: Zaitseva I.P., Zaitsev O.N. The effect of various physical activities on the content of macro- and trace elements in the hair of young men. Trace elemets in medicine. 2024;25(4):60−68. DOI: 10.19112/2413-6174-2024-25-4-60-68.
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