ABSTRACT. The Volga River and numerous branches of its delta are the main sources of water supply to settlements in the Astrakhan region. Almost the entire territory of the Astrakhan region, as well as most regions of Russia, has a moderate iodine deficiency. Along with the median iodine content in urine, the most important indicator of iodine deficiency is a change in the structure of the primary incidence of thyroid pathology.
The aim of the study is to study the relationship of iodine deficiency with statistics of primary incidence of thyroid diseases in various population groups of the Astrakhan region in 2019−2021.
Materials and methods. According to statistical form No. 12, an analysis of the primary incidence of thyroid pathology in three age groups of the population in 11 administrative districts of the Astrakhan region for 2019-2021 was carried out. Primary morbidity rates for children, teenagers and adults per thousand populations were analyzed.
Results. The districts of the Astrakhan region with extremely high values of thyroid diseases in groups of children, teenagers and adults, correlating with iodine deficiency, have been identified. According to data for 2019-2021 in the Astrakhan region, the unfavorable districts for thyroid diseases among children are: Chernoyarsky – 11.1 per thousand children, Kharabalinsky – 10.4 and Enotaevsky - 10.4; among teenagers: Limansky – 18.1 per thousand, Chernoyarsky – 15.7, Enotaevsky – 14.6 and Krasnoyarsky – 13.9; among the adult population of the Astrakhan region: Kamyzyaksky – 6.3 per thousand, Enotaevsky – 6.0, Krasnoyarsky – 6.98 and Ikryaninsky districts – 5.8. The main increase in the prevalence of thyroid pathology in rural districts of the Astrakhan region in 2019–2021 among children and teenagers is associated with diffuse (endemic) struma (50.1 and 52.0%, respectively), and in adults with multinodular (endemic) struma – 36,5%. The growth rate of thyroid pathology in the Astrakhan region remains high. The most unfavorable situation for children has developed in the Chernoyarsky, Kharabalinsky and Enotaevsky districts, where the average annual incidence rate exceeds the regional one by 1.30; 1.27; 1.22 times, respectively, for teenagers - in the Limansky, Chernoyarsky and Enotaevsky districts, where the long-term average incidence rate exceeds the regional one by 1.52; 1.33; 1.23 times, respectively, for the adult population - in the Kamyzyaksky, Enotaevsky and Krasnoyarsky districts, where the average annual incidence rate exceeds the regional one by 1.42; 1.36; 1.35 times respectively.
Conclusion. The multidirectional dynamics of the primary incidence of thyroid pathology, mainly due to endemic struma in a group of teenagers, discovered in 2019-2021 in the Astrakhan region requires the development of more thorough preventive measures to reduce iodine deficiency in this category of the population. In particular, among the population of the Astrakhan region, awareness should be improved about the dangers of iodine deficiency for human health and ways to prevent iodine deficiency diseases.
KEYWORDS: iodine deficiency, Astrakhan region, primary incidence, children, teenagers, adults, thyroid gland, diffuse euthyroid struma.
For citation: Kokhanov A.V., Zhmykhov D.V., Rybkin V.S., Kudryasheva I.A., Ploskonos M.V., Vavilina A.V., Kuznetsova M.G., Ushakova M.V., Kolomin V.V., Satasheva Z.M., Nostaeva G.G. Iodine deficiency and primary incidence of thyroid diseases in the astrakhan region in 2019–2021. Trace elemets in medicine. 2024;25(4):41−48. DOI: 10.19112/2413-6174-2024-25-4-41-48.
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