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Trace Elements in Medicine
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ABSTRACT. Silicon-containing mineral waters (MW) from natural sources, which have medical and health value, can be found in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. In the previous 4 parts of the review, materials on the therapeutic and preventive use of silicon-containing mineral waters of the Essentuki group, the Caucasian Mineral Waters, sources of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka Regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Far Eastern and Siberian Federal Districts, the Republic of Buryatia were considered. This, the 5th part of the review, is devoted to siliceous MVs of the Ural and Volga federal districts, Stavropol Region and the Chechen Republic. Concluding the review of scientific publications on the problem of therapeutic and prophylactic use of siliconcontaining mineral waters, one cannot help but note the continuing interest in the study of the medical significance of siliceous mineral waters not only in our country, but also abroad. The value of such studies is that they allow a more reasonable and effective approach to the use of environmentally friendly and safe, non-drug options for the treatment and prevention of diseases using silicon-containing MFs and are a confirmation of the concept of the high importance of natural medicinal resources as a complement to traditional medicine.

KEYWORDS: silicon-containing mineral waters, use in the treatment and prevention of human diseases.

For citation: Rakhmanin Yu.A., Egorova N.A., Mihajlova R.I., Ryzhova I.N., Kochetkova M.G. Therapeutic and preventive use of mineral waters containing silicon in the russian federation (literature review). Part 5. Ural and Volga Federal District, Stavropol Region, Chechen Republic. Trace elemets in medicine. 2024;25(4):14−21. DOI: 10.19112/2413-6174-2024-25-4-14-21 

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