The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of macro- and microelements in individual areas
of the tumor with various degrees of anaplasia of glial tumors.
Materials and methods. The features of the elemental status of sections of glial tumors at various degrees of anaplasia were determined. For the analysis, the method of atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma
was used.
Results. The analysis indicates an increased accumulation of macro- and microelements in glioma tissue compared to brain tissue of practically healthy people. The concentration of copper, iron, and zinc in the peritumoral zone of
gliomas with high degrees of anaplasia (with metastasis) was higher than with Grade I, II. The level of trace elements
capable of activating cell apoptosis and/or inhibiting signaling pathways regulating proliferation and angiogenesis in
glial tumors (lithium, selenium) in the pertumoral zone at high degrees of anaplasia was lower.
Conclusions. Identification of groups of microelements that change the level in the peritumoral zone of gliomas
during metastasis can be used for differential diagnosis of the degree of anaplasia of these tumors, but also form the basis for the treatment of malignant brain tumors.
KEYWORDS: macro- and microelements, peritumoral zone, gliomas.