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Trace Elements in Medicine
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As a result of economic activity, there are a large number of sources of pollution of natural waters: these are waters from fields, gardens and streets of the settlement, carrying suspended solids, organic compounds, as well as a variety of wastewater from industrial enterprises and the transport and road complex. All this negatively affects the quality of natural waters and aquatic biota. This paper highlights the results of studies of samples of bottom sediments of the Lebyazhka river, as well as the chemical analysis of bottom sediments. The dominant species of hydrobionts in this biocenosis are mosquito larvae. They are characteristic inhabitants of polluted reservoirs and watercourses. Moreover, the number of aquatic organisms at the point where the water body is not yet experiencing strong anthropogenic impact is much higher than at the point located on the border of the village of Novosergievka. Thus, the decrease in abundance and biological diversity may be caused by the influx of pollutants.

KEYWORDS: ecology, hydrobionts, macrozoobenthos, small rivers, bottom sediments, pollutants.

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