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Trace Elements in Medicine
International scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal
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ABSTRACT: The use of β-lactamase inhibitors in combination with β-lactam antibacterial drugs is a promising strategy in overcoming antibiotic resistance. Combination drugs with clavulanic acid, sulbactam, and tazobactam are widely used in clinical practice. However, today there are a large number of microorganisms producing β-lactamases resistant to such inhibitors, in particular microorganisms producing metallo-β-lactamases (MßL). Therefore, when developing new MßL inhibitors, it is necessary to take into account not only the need for effective action on a wide range of enzymes, representatives of MßL, but also a reduction in the toxicity of potential inhibitors.

KEYWORDS: β-lactam antibiotics, metallo-β-lactamases, hydrolysis, Zn2+ cations, ebselene.