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Trace Elements in Medicine
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Various feed additives are used in aquaculture as part of intensification of feeding methods. The introduction of ultradisperse particles (UDP) of metal-microelements into fish diet shows positive dynamics of weight gain and activation of enzymatic processes. The present work presents the results of the study of Fe-C nanocomposite on the growth and development of juvenile carp. The application of nanostructured carbon composites show a positive trend in carp weight gain. Feeding Fe-C nanocomposite 0.8 mg/kg of feed to experimental carp samples showed an increase in weight by 13.3% compared to the control. Increasing the concentration of nanocomposite up to 2 mg/kg was characterized by a decrease in growth rate compared to the I experimental group. Thus, the prospect of using metalcarbon nanocomposites in fish feeding.

KEYWORDS: nanocomposite, iron, carbon matrix, fish nutrition.

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