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Trace Elements in Medicine
International scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal
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T.V. Korobeinikova1,2, G.D. Morozova1, D.V. Mak1, A.M. Vishnevskaya1,2,
N.Kh. Kizima2, M.V. Eremin3

1 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University),
8/2, Trubetskaya str., Moscow,
119991, Russian Federation 

2 Peoples Friendship University of Russia,
6, Mikluho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198,
Russian Federation 
3ANO «Ctnter for Biotic medicine»,
46, Zemlyanoy Val str., Moscow, 105064, Russian Federation 



ABSTRACT. LIBS is a method of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy that makes it possible to determine the chemical consist of various substrates. The method has both advantages and disadvantages compared to currently widely used methods in diagnostics. The main advantage is that there is no need to decompose the sample before analysis. However, LIBS has a low accuracy and detection limit. The results obtained with LIBS are consistent with ICP-AES, ICP-MS for macroelements as well as for toxic elements. The purpose of this review is to form a general idea of ​​the prospects for the use of LIBS in medicine in the analysis of various biological substrates. To date, a number of works have been published in which, using LIBS, the content of elements in solid biosubstrates (nails, hair), liquid (whole blood, serum, urine), as well as in tumor tissues was studied. The research results demonstrate the promise of using LIBS in the diagnosis of various diseases and in screening. Further adaptation of this method for the analysis of biosamples, improvement of calibration algorithms and processing of the results are necessary.

KEYWORDS: LIBS, spectrometry, trace elements, elemental status.