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Trace Elements in Medicine
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S.A. Savko, A.P. Goncharov, A.A. Lobanov, S.V. Andronov, A.R. Grabeklis

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University),
Trubetskaya str. 8/2, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


ABSTRACT. The study of the elemental status of the population of the Sakhalin Oblast and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of the Russian Federation is necessary, due to the sufficient contrast of these regions of the Far East in geochemical, climatic, socio-economic characteristics and the assortment of local food products, aimed at developing measures to adapt residents of the North to hypocomfort living conditions.

The aim is to study the elemental status of the male population of the Sakhalin region and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) to increase the adaptive potential and reduce the mortality of men of working age.

Materials and methods. The content of chemical elements in the hair of men aged 18-50 years, respectively, living in the Sakha Republic was studied (Yakutia) (200 people) and the Sakhalin region (75 people). The analysis was performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) on the basis of the accredited laboratory of the ANO "Center for Biotic Medicine" (Moscow; ISO 9001:2008 certificate 54Q10077 dated 21.05.2010).

Results. Residents of the Sakhalin region are characterized by an increase in the content of tin, boron, cobalt in their hair in combination with relatively low levels of zinc and iron. The increase in the content of boron and cobalt in hair may be due to the fact that there is a lot of boron in algae, cobalt – in seafood. The relatively low content of lead, mercury, copper and cadmium in the hair of Sakhalin residents is probably due to a higher standard of living and medical care, quality of nutrition, consumption of alginates (algae), less environmental pollution. Adult residents of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are characterized by an increased content of lead, cadmium, aluminum, chromium pollutants in their hair, as well as macronutrients sodium and potassium in combination with Se deficiency.

Conclusions. A multi-element analysis of the hair of the male population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Sakhalin region indicates the presence of an imbalance among the adult population, which requires correction and consideration during screening surveys of the population and the development of nutrition improvement programs.

KEYWORDS: Sakhalin, Yakutia, hair, selenium, mercury, aluminum, lead, cadmium, zinc, mass spectrometry.