Trace Elements in Medicine (Moscow)
2020, 21(2): 03-12
A.A. Skalny
RUDN University (Peoples' friendship University of Russia), Moscow, Russia
DOI: 10.19112/2413-6174-2020-21-2-3-12 
ABSTRACT. Currently, there is no doubt about the prevailing influence of the level of physical activity of an individual on the functional state of the body. However, the available literature data on the impact of physical stress on the body's supply of trace elements and their distribution in tissues are largely contradictory. This review of available literature data provides an insight into the relationship between physical activity and microelement homeostasis. The influence of human physical activity on the exchange of toxic (lead, cadmium, Nickel, etc.) and essential trace elements, such as iron, selenium, copper, cobalt, chromium, and zinc is reviewed. Based on the analyzed works, it is concluded that in order to correct the metabolic and microelement status of a person during physical activity, the most reasonable and necessary is the modulation of homeostasis of zinc and selenium.
KEYWORDS: physical activity, homeostasis, trace elements, iron, selenium, copper, cobalt, chromium, zinc, toxic elements.
Corresponding author: A.A. Skalny E-mail: