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Trace Elements in Medicine
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Trace Elements in Medicine (Moscow)
2016, 17(3): 3-7

INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION OF MICROELEMENTOLOGISTS: A TIME TO GATHER STONES (to the results of the VI International Symposium of the Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals, Italy, Catania, May 26−28, 2016)

L.M. Shafran

Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine, Kanatnaya str. 92, Odessa 65039, Ukraine

DOI: 10.19112/2413-6174-2016-17-3-3-7 

ABSTRACT. An overview of the materials of the 6th International Symposium of Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals (FESTEM) held in Catania, Italy on 26-28 May 2016 is provided from the standpoint of the concept of sustainable development of science in the 21st century. It was shown that the scientific, organizational and integrative activities of FESTEM in uniting the national societies of scientists and practitioners in the sphere of trace elements (TE) attract the increasing attention of specialists. The evidence of this is participating in the Symposium representatives of more than 20 countries from all continents of our planet, as well as plans for national trace element associations of Great Britain, Poland, Romania, Ukraine and other countries to join the FESTEM in the nearest time. At the Symposium, 11 keynote lectures (invited lecturers), 45 plenary and sectional oral and 87 poster presentations were presented and discussed. A brief analysis of the data reported within the main topics of the Symposium program is presented, highlighting the goals and objectives for the future scientific researches. Of the great interest in this respect are further studies on the TE biological roles, the etiology and pathogenesis of deficiency states, excess and imbalance, cellular and molecular mechanisms of TE related pathology (microelementoses), neurodegenerative, disregulative disorders, immunodeficiency, especially in contingents of increased risk. One of the main tasks is the creation and development of highly sensitive and selective methods for determination of TE in a free state and associated with organic ligands in biological material. It was noted the positive trends in development of scientific research and clinical practice in the segment of Russian Society for Trace Elements in Medicine (RUSTEM) that enhances the expert rating and authority in the field of TE related pathology not only at national but also at international level (e.g. prof. Anatoly Skalny's election as the FESTEM Vice President). The conclusion is made about the perspectiveness of association of national societies from most European countries under the auspices of FESTEM. Its validity is confirmed by the positive experiences of the Federation, high scientific importance of reports and the results of researches made in collaboration by scientists from different countries, and also by the economic expediency of such associations.

KEYWORDS: trace elements, bioelementology, human health, sustainable development of science, Catania, FESTEM Symposium, RUSTEM.

* Corresponding author: L.M. Shafran, E-mail: lmshafran182@gmail.com