A comparative analysis of the trace element composition of the fruits of Sorbus aucuparia of different varieties cultivated in the Republic of Bashkortostan was studied. The analysis of the trace element composition of
the fruits of Sоrbus aucupаria of different varieties "Krasnaya", "Titan" and "Garnet" showed a significant content of
Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn in the fruits of Sоrbus aucupаria of variety "Krasnaya" compared with the fruits of Sоrbus aucupаria of
varieties "Titan" and "Garnet". The maximum content of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, found during the study in the fruits of Sоrbus
aucupаria of variety "Krasnaya", allows us to recommend the fruits of this variety as an effective plant raw material in
the production of pharmaceutical and food products with a high trace element composition.
KEYWORDS: Sorbus aucuparia, Red mountain ash (common), trace element composition.
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