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Trace Elements in Medicine
International scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal
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A.A. Gubochkina, O.A. Legonkova

Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya, 27, 117997, Moscow, Russia




ABSTRACT. The article provides the analysis of the market state in the field of medical products in the form of gels, pastes, granules and powders being registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and used to fill bone defects. Despite on conducted researches in this area, most of the bone substitutes are represented by allo- and xenogenic materials: in total, they are 32% of the total number of all medical products registered in the Russian Federation in the form of gels, pastes, granules and powders. If we consider products produced by the Russian manufacturers, 43% of the total amount are allo- and xenogenic materials. Materials with functional additives (antibiotics and growth factors) are presented in a small amount, i.e. 10% of the total number of all medical devices registered in the Russian Federation. Attention is drawn to the fact that, despite on the long-term practice of clinical use of auto-, allo- and xeno-implants, none of them is the ideal material. Studies are underway on the doses of microelements, rates of antibiotics in dependence on being chosen composition (scaffold) with natural and synthetic polymers that influence a lot on the effectivity of functional additives’ release. Synthetic polymers that could be used as materials for tissue regeneration due to the great possibilities for their modifications with the aim of getting the necessary properties, are of special interest.

KEYWORDS: microelements, bone substitutes, bone implants, tricalcium phosphate, hydroxyapatite, polylactide, polyglycolide, collagen.