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Trace Elements in Medicine
International scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal
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V.M. Kodentsova1, D.V. Risnik2, V.V. Bessonov1

1 Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety,
Ustyinskiy proezd, d. 2/14, 109240 Moscow, Russian Federation

2 Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov,
Lenin Mountains, 1, p. 12, 119234 Moscow, Russian Federation



ABSTRACT. The alimentary factor still remains one of the main factors in the development of iron deficiency states. Food fortification with iron is considered the most cost-effective approach to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency. Iron compounds used for food fortification should be selected on the basis of their high bioavailability and minimal potential to cause unacceptable changes in the consumer qualities of the food product. The search for iron compounds that are both effective for the correction of iron deficiency and have acceptable technological properties remains an urgent problem. Various iron compounds are characterized by different solubility in water and gastric juice, have different bioavailability for the body, and the ability to cause peroxidation in the product. The purpose of the study was to select, based on a comparison of the properties of various iron compounds, a compound that has the maximum clinical effect on improving iron status and the minimum effect on the properties of the fortified food product. Ferrous bisglycinate is highly soluble in water, the bioavailability of iron from it (inclusion into erythrocytes) is 3-4 times higher than that of ferrous sulfate used as a reference standard. Usage of iron bisglycinate at lower doses improves hematological parameters is achieved than when using ferrous sulfate. Comparison of the properties and effectiveness of a number of iron compounds leads to the conclusion about the undoubted advantages of using iron bisglycinate chelate for food enrichment in comparison with other forms of iron.

KEYWORDS: iron, bioavailability, iron bisglycinate chelate, solubility, efficacy.