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Trace Elements in Medicine
International scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal
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M.S. Alkhuseyn-Kulyaginova, A.M. Nikolaenko,
V.M. Kotieva, M.V. Gulyan, M.A. Dodokhova,  I.M. Kotieva

Rostov State Medical University,
Nakhichevan lane, 29, Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russian Federation



ABSTRACT. The search for new national anticancer drugs is a priority purpose of interdisciplinary biomedical research. So metal-containing compounds are the most promising group of chemical compounds. The choice of metal and ligand grouping determines the spectrum of the tested compounds’ pharmacological activity. The aim of the work is to analyze the literature, which will show the problem of the drugs based on tin compounds development. Literature search was carried out on the following databases: Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, eLIBRARY. Tin compounds have different biological activity due to their chemical nature. Tin compounds have different biological activity due to its chemical nature. The coordination capabilities of the tin atom, i.e. its ability to form bonds with additional ligands, have a significant impact on the degree, magnitude and selectivity of the manifestation of antitumor and antimetastatic efficacy and toxic effects on the body of tumor-bearing animals in preclinical studies in vivo.

Metal is necessary in the realization of the desired therapeutic effect. Tin compounds have great biopharmaceutical potential for study in the field of experimental oncology and microbiology.

KEYWORDS: tin, metal-containing drugs, biopharmaceutical potential, malignant neoplasms.