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Trace Elements in Medicine
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J. Prejac1, S. Morović2, S. Drmić3, J. Morović4, Z. Pišl5, B. Momčilović6

1University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Oncology, Kišpatićeva 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; e-mail: juraj.prejac@gmail.com

2 Aviva Medical Center, Nemetova 2, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; e-mail: Sandra.morovic@poliklinika.aviva

3 Cliniical Hospital Dubrava, Department of Clinical Psychiatry, Avenija Gojka Šuška, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; e-mail: stipe.drmic@gmail.com

4 Centar IGW, d.o.o. Gestalt d.o.o., Kralja Držislava 12, 10000n Zagreb, Croatia; e-mail: jadran.morovic@zg-tcom.hr

5 Institute for Research and Development of the Sustainable Ecosystems (IRES), Jagodno 100a, 10410 Velika Gorica, Croatia; e-mail: pisl@net.hr

6 Institute for Research and Development of the Sustainable Ecosystems (IRES), Srebrnjak 59, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; e-mail: berislav.momcilovic@gmail.com


ABSTRACT. Selenium (Se) is essential trace element in human nutrition. The aim of this study was to assess selenium nutritional status by analyzing Se frequency distribution in the long-term biological indicator tissue of hair (H∙Se) and in the short-term biological indicator tissue of whole blood (WB∙Se). Hair selenium was analyzed in 1073 apparently healthy adult Croats (339 ♂ and 734 ♀) and the whole blood selenium was analyzed in a random subsample of 91 ♂ and 143 ♀. Samples were analyzed by the ICP-MS at the Center for Biotic Medicine, Moscow, Russia. There were no significant gender dependent difference in the selenium adequate linear reference range which was (µg∙g−1 ) for H∙Se 0.078–0.701 and for WB∙Se 0.120–0.200, respectively. Hair selenium concentrations below 0.078 and 0.120 for WB∙Se indicate selenium deficiency. The estimated upper adequate selenium limits for H∙Se and WB∙Se are set at 0.701 and 0.200 µg∙g−1 , respectively. The linear segment of the generated H∙Se logistic distribution sigmoid curve is considered to represent adequate Se intake range. This adequate selenium intake segment can be itself partitioned by a 60:30:10 percentage ratio into Sparsely adequate (♀ 0.078–0.405, ♂ 0.174−0.474), Adequate (Optimal) (♀ 0.405−0.573, ♂ 0.474–0.608), and Ample adequate segment (♀ 0.573−0.623, ♂ 0.608–0.709). These reference dose data are essential for continuous monitoring of the selenium nutritional status and selenium supplementation medication The noninvasive selenium status assessment is especially important when dealing with a vulnerable segments of human population like pregnant and lactating women, and their infants. The Median Derivatives Bioassay provides a new public health asset for general medical practice.

KEYWORDS: Selenium, Hair, Whole blood, Se nutritional status.