Trace Elements in Medicine (Moscow)
2021, 22(4): 62-70
M.V. Kapitalchuk
Shevchenko State University of Pridnestrovie
DOI: 10.19112/2413-6174-2021-22-4-62-70 
ABSTRACT. As a result of systemic biogeochemical studies of the selenium content in the ecosystems of Moldova, it was found that the total selenium content in soils (100–668 μg/kg, average 246 μg/kg) and in agricul-tural plants (80–166 μg/kg, average 112 μg/kg) does not fully reflect the provision of this element to animals and humans. In the muscle mass of farm animals Se 147–590 μg/kg. In human blood serum 76–254 μg/L, the average value is 146 μg/L, the selenium status of rural residents is higher than that of urban residents. In the soils of the steppe region, areas with a Se deficiency (100 μg / kg) are observed, while it is in the steppe region that abnor-mally high concentrations of selenium are observed in the biota of aquatic ecosystems. Agaricus bisporus accu-mulates Se in the range 1980–24920 µg/kg, that is, champignon is a sensitive bioindicator of available selenium in soils. In the geochemical conditions of Moldova, an important role in the supply of selenium to living organ-isms is played by its increased content in natural waters: 0.200–6.090 µg/L, with an average value of 1.831 µg/L for surface water and 1.795 µg/L for groundwater. In the aquatic ecosystems of this country, the biota can accu-mulate abnormally high concentrations of selenium. In aquatic plants 19–2917 μg/kg. Average Se content (μg/kg) in plants of aquatic ecosystems: coastal plants (139), helophytes (182), algae (532), hydrophytes (855). The Se content in the muscle tissue of fish in background water bodies is 323–517 µg/kg, in fish farms 409–646 µg/kg, and the Kuchurgan reservoir-cooler of the thermal power plant is 665–1277 µg/kg. In the muscle tissue of water-fowl Se: in background water bodies up to 1158 μg/kg, and in the Kuchurgan reservoir up to 2370 μg/kg. Thus, against the background of a low content of total selenium in soils, natural waters of Moldova are characterized by high concentrations of Se, and aquatic organisms accumulate it very intensively
KEYWORDS: selenium, ecosystems, selenium status, water, soil, plants, animals, man.
Corresponding author: M.V. Kapitalchuk E-mail: